But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Even some of the most depraved heretics of old would be horrified at the bile this demoniac spouts. Arius would hear her immeasurably arrogant and evil proclamation that God was present with her as she aborted her children, and unhesitatingly be the one to punch her in a rage himself.
The Presbyterians, as with other liberal modern denominations, deserve the same treatment as the last sect claiming to at once be both Christian and in favor of infanticide so as to spare the babies suffering in life: the Cathars - annihilation to the very last man, woman and demon.
Protestantism on its face is correct, however. Because catholicism is nothing but another demonination filled with heresies, but compounded over thousands of years with a central controlling organization of heretical fanfiction writers and corrupt power seeking bureaucrats.
Sedevacantist though I may be, I don't buy that. Protestantism brought us the incalculable heresy of "thou shalt not kill", the implications of which are largely responsible for the cuckolding of the faith as a whole.
Any of these human denominations is fallible. Most of their good people have been replaced by those who wear the skin suit and hold the title of these organizations. Much like our own country where we have these evil doers claiming to be "americans". It's all perversion
That demon is lower than worm.
Even some of the most depraved heretics of old would be horrified at the bile this demoniac spouts. Arius would hear her immeasurably arrogant and evil proclamation that God was present with her as she aborted her children, and unhesitatingly be the one to punch her in a rage himself.
The Presbyterians, as with other liberal modern denominations, deserve the same treatment as the last sect claiming to at once be both Christian and in favor of infanticide so as to spare the babies suffering in life: the Cathars - annihilation to the very last man, woman and demon.
Now it makes sense. Quite possibly the fakest group of faux Christians among the many protestant heresies.
Protestantism on its face is correct, however. Because catholicism is nothing but another demonination filled with heresies, but compounded over thousands of years with a central controlling organization of heretical fanfiction writers and corrupt power seeking bureaucrats.
Sedevacantist though I may be, I don't buy that. Protestantism brought us the incalculable heresy of "thou shalt not kill", the implications of which are largely responsible for the cuckolding of the faith as a whole.
Any of these human denominations is fallible. Most of their good people have been replaced by those who wear the skin suit and hold the title of these organizations. Much like our own country where we have these evil doers claiming to be "americans". It's all perversion