Don't get too caught up with this. Once one group of Marxists take over a country, as has obviously happened in Canada, other Marxists become their enemies. This is why the USSR and China had a war, why China and Vietnam had a war, etc etc. Marxism is just a sophisticated scam to gain power. So Trudeau may actually try to shut this down, or at least appear to. Or he may choose to become a CCP lackey. It won't change who he is, or what Canada now is.
It is entirely possible both statements are correct.
And her knowledge of it, ultimately, is not what is important. What is important, is if this election interference matters, and if it is to be allowed. I do not care if a politician knows or does not know what is being done behind their backs. "Plausible deniability" is pointless. What matters is if these things are being done at all.
Don't get too caught up with this. Once one group of Marxists take over a country, as has obviously happened in Canada, other Marxists become their enemies. This is why the USSR and China had a war, why China and Vietnam had a war, etc etc. Marxism is just a sophisticated scam to gain power. So Trudeau may actually try to shut this down, or at least appear to. Or he may choose to become a CCP lackey. It won't change who he is, or what Canada now is.
Makes you wonder how Rub'n'Tug Jack ended up with the turbo cancer. Maybe his conscience was bothering him, or maybe he just knew too much.
It is entirely possible both statements are correct.
And her knowledge of it, ultimately, is not what is important. What is important, is if this election interference matters, and if it is to be allowed. I do not care if a politician knows or does not know what is being done behind their backs. "Plausible deniability" is pointless. What matters is if these things are being done at all.