That's not the point you idiot and you fucking know it. How many years have you been in this game? You know better and I expect better of you as one of the old guard.
I know normies will watch most things but I really hope this bombs. I know some will say give it a chance and I guess it’s possible it could but after seeing the respect they had for Tolkien’s work I can’t see them being faithful to the source material.
The one good point is how Tolkien was "My actual brother in Christ, are you really doing Santa Claus and Jesus Christ it's a lion? This is trash lit yo, it's bad and you should feel bad."
Tolkien hated the story. His criticism went beyond evaluation and suggestion to the level of insult.
Late in his life, Lewis - recognising this rift - made overtures to Tolkien again, writing him letters (in one, he concludes, poignantly: ‘I miss you very much.’)
Yea for a show that takes place in England from decades past, it will look like downtown L.A. they took out Christian references in A Wrinkle in Time so im sure they will do so here. If Netflix adapted Screwtape Letters they would make the demons the good guys
I'll get in on this. 5 bucks says jadis's evil sister becomes an evil brother and it'll be him who uses the forbidden word that destroys the world of charn.
Follow up with an actual link, preferably to an archive.
You've been in the game long enough to know how this works bro. Screenshots are all bullshit fabrications until proven otherwise.
You could find it just so easily (or verify its existence) via any search engine, and I summarised all the points already.
That's not the point you idiot and you fucking know it. How many years have you been in this game? You know better and I expect better of you as one of the old guard.
You put 3 words "roxy simons narnia" in a search engine instead of writing 3 sentences and then waiting.
You are not this retarded.
I know normies will watch most things but I really hope this bombs. I know some will say give it a chance and I guess it’s possible it could but after seeing the respect they had for Tolkien’s work I can’t see them being faithful to the source material.
The one good point is how Tolkien was "My actual brother in Christ, are you really doing Santa Claus and Jesus Christ it's a lion? This is trash lit yo, it's bad and you should feel bad."
It's also how their friendship ended.
Did they ever reconcile? I love Tolkien and Lewis. Just sad seeing Netflix in charge.
That’s good to know. Thanks!
Post Reported for: Rule 12 - Falsehoods
Post Approved: I think the title is satirical.
Yea for a show that takes place in England from decades past, it will look like downtown L.A. they took out Christian references in A Wrinkle in Time so im sure they will do so here. If Netflix adapted Screwtape Letters they would make the demons the good guys
I'll get in on this. 5 bucks says jadis's evil sister becomes an evil brother and it'll be him who uses the forbidden word that destroys the world of charn.
The Magician's Niece