I cannot think of a more contemptible creature which slithers on God's green earth than the average liberal cuck/cuckquean. At least worms and maggots can actually serve a purpose in nature; Muslims have a few consistent beliefs and are willing to kill and die for them; and even George Soros and the other architects of the current miserable state of the world have a brain, utterly warped and directed toward malevolent purposes though it may be, between their ears.
This Majewski and so, so many other braindead progs exhibits a perfect storm of indescribable arrogance, entitlement, ignorance (willful or otherwise), short-sightedness, sadism toward their enemies and utter spinelessness in the face of actual resistance from those who might object to their agendas. Especially if it's a minority who they assume they have in their pocket by default, double especially when it's the people they brought in the first place to stick it to the Straight White Christian Patriarchy™ and to serve as a permanently reliable voting bloc which will totally never go against them ever.
They manage to be both so vile and so mindbogglingly retarded that I couldn't write this shit in any one of my stories without getting accused of making up an unrealistic strawman villain that totally would never exist IRL!
The smugness is the worst part. I don't have any 'At least they're well-meaning's left in me because they've had ample opportunity to have a single rational thought about their beliefs and policies, but they always, always choose to double down on self-congratulatory idiocy instead.
I cannot think of a more contemptible creature which slithers on God's green earth than the average liberal cuck/cuckquean. At least worms and maggots can actually serve a purpose in nature; Muslims have a few consistent beliefs and are willing to kill and die for them; and even George Soros and the other architects of the current miserable state of the world have a brain, utterly warped and directed toward malevolent purposes though it may be, between their ears.
This Majewski and so, so many other braindead progs exhibits a perfect storm of indescribable arrogance, entitlement, ignorance (willful or otherwise), short-sightedness, sadism toward their enemies and utter spinelessness in the face of actual resistance from those who might object to their agendas. Especially if it's a minority who they assume they have in their pocket by default, double especially when it's the people they brought in the first place to stick it to the Straight White Christian Patriarchy™ and to serve as a permanently reliable voting bloc which will totally never go against them ever.
They manage to be both so vile and so mindbogglingly retarded that I couldn't write this shit in any one of my stories without getting accused of making up an unrealistic strawman villain that totally would never exist IRL!
Perfect description.
The smugness is the worst part. I don't have any 'At least they're well-meaning's left in me because they've had ample opportunity to have a single rational thought about their beliefs and policies, but they always, always choose to double down on self-congratulatory idiocy instead.
Lol I think I accidentally found your KF profile