''Sure you obtained consent for research, publishing data and results online, but... errr, but you didn't explicitly get consent for publication in a peer-review research! Ah ah!''
~A standart that is litterally never applied to researchers submiting other papers, which did not obtain such ridiculously specific consent either.
Because it's ideological bias motivating the retraction. Not ''consent'', ''ethics'', ''integrity'' or ''science''.
The lying editor had the balls to thank the authors for drawing to his attention that other papers did not get such ridiculously specific consernt and ''are under investigation''.
An ''investigation'' that has been ''going on'' for a year and resulted in zero additional retraction. Because it's a lie.
I don't know why anyone is shocked when leftists lie and cover up for each other. We just need to get control of things and purge them from any position of power, and keep them out. It's the only way to make things better.
''Sure you obtained consent for research, publishing data and results online, but... errr, but you didn't explicitly get consent for publication in a peer-review research! Ah ah!''
~A standart that is litterally never applied to researchers submiting other papers, which did not obtain such ridiculously specific consent either.
Because it's ideological bias motivating the retraction. Not ''consent'', ''ethics'', ''integrity'' or ''science''.
The lying editor had the balls to thank the authors for drawing to his attention that other papers did not get such ridiculously specific consernt and ''are under investigation''.
An ''investigation'' that has been ''going on'' for a year and resulted in zero additional retraction. Because it's a lie.
I don't know why anyone is shocked when leftists lie and cover up for each other. We just need to get control of things and purge them from any position of power, and keep them out. It's the only way to make things better.
How did these dickless freaks get so much power anyway?
Worked their way into hr to hire more retards.
Also the more socially awkward people never learned to gatekeep, and that's why all the nerdy hobbies are cancer filled.
Threatened to kill themselves if they didn't get their way