It's stupid, but it's not a run-on. it's a great big adverb clause preceding the main clause beginning "I wouldn't be allowed . . . ." The last sentence is technically an interrogative fragment that needs a question mark, but it's idiomatic.
It's still run-on in the colloquial sense of by the time you get to the end you've lost whatever patience you had to give a damn what point they were trying to make.
Run on sentence. Is this supposed to be an adult? Your friends are pretty well retarded.
It's stupid, but it's not a run-on. it's a great big adverb clause preceding the main clause beginning "I wouldn't be allowed . . . ." The last sentence is technically an interrogative fragment that needs a question mark, but it's idiomatic.
It's still run-on in the colloquial sense of by the time you get to the end you've lost whatever patience you had to give a damn what point they were trying to make.
True--far too long.