I foolishly engaged in so many debates with the left during the Floyd riots. I simply would ask what racist system they were fighting against. Or why they worship Floyd. I was called a white supremacist more times than I can count but I honestly wanted an explanation
Yep that's their go to, they can't explain why such a racist system also fought a bloody war to free them then gave up any kind of segregation thanks to peaceful protests.
It's even worse when they try the British Empire as they did a full 180 in regards to slavery outside of the British mainland and at least ended it in a lot more countries than anything Africa or Middle East did. Compare that to leftist efforts in these countries and you end up with a Lybia, Somalia and Haiti..
And also African slavery is very brutal. Or look at how African kingdoms dealt with those they conquered. Sowell had a great video on some world history of slavery but I’d love to find a book on it.
That’s one I need to get. Black Rednecks and White Liberals covers it in a chapter but that book sounds like a more in depth look. I still need to get quest for cosmic justice and vision of the anointed
Yea I don’t get that. Life has taught me that a black boss can be just as lousy as a white boss. I’ve had two amazing white bosses and one really horrible white and black boss as well as an amazing black boss.
But what boggles my mind is that I’m seeing so many young blacks people who constantly talk about how oppressed they are or how racist everything is. What makes no sense is that they talk about race way more than people of generations past. Or when you hear them talk about slavery you would think they were slaves. I think it has to be some brainwashing along with young ppl of all races being taught to find offense in everything
I foolishly engaged in so many debates with the left during the Floyd riots. I simply would ask what racist system they were fighting against. Or why they worship Floyd. I was called a white supremacist more times than I can count but I honestly wanted an explanation
Yep that's their go to, they can't explain why such a racist system also fought a bloody war to free them then gave up any kind of segregation thanks to peaceful protests.
It's even worse when they try the British Empire as they did a full 180 in regards to slavery outside of the British mainland and at least ended it in a lot more countries than anything Africa or Middle East did. Compare that to leftist efforts in these countries and you end up with a Lybia, Somalia and Haiti..
And also African slavery is very brutal. Or look at how African kingdoms dealt with those they conquered. Sowell had a great video on some world history of slavery but I’d love to find a book on it.
I want to say conquests and cultures covered it pretty heavily, but don’t quote me on that, it’s been awhile
That’s one I need to get. Black Rednecks and White Liberals covers it in a chapter but that book sounds like a more in depth look. I still need to get quest for cosmic justice and vision of the anointed
Yea I don’t get that. Life has taught me that a black boss can be just as lousy as a white boss. I’ve had two amazing white bosses and one really horrible white and black boss as well as an amazing black boss.
But what boggles my mind is that I’m seeing so many young blacks people who constantly talk about how oppressed they are or how racist everything is. What makes no sense is that they talk about race way more than people of generations past. Or when you hear them talk about slavery you would think they were slaves. I think it has to be some brainwashing along with young ppl of all races being taught to find offense in everything