I'm so sick of the constant whining from jews every time some palestinian shoots a rocket at them. They want to cry about it & milk it for sympathy constantly, then force Americans to give them billions of extra dollars to pay for their missile system.
Either go into the West Bank & Gaza and kill all your enemies, guns blazing, & take the propaganda hit for it, or shut the fuck up, because I'm tired of hearing about it & tired of listening to jews milking it for sympathy instead of actually using their vast military power to put an end to it. Why do we give the jews $3 billion in free US military gear every year if they won't use it to blow up the people rocketing them?
Because they want to keep milking it, that's why. If they actually stopped the rocket attacks they wouldn't be able to milk it anymore for their grift. The billions they're stealing from the US taxpayer would stop.
Also, Egypt and Jordan were offered to take back Gaza and West Bank but they refused. It's a hot potato they don't want on themselves. It's not even that they want this to be an Israeli problem, because they have good relations with Israel now, they just don't want this problem to be theirs.
With the Palestinians in Jordan already having tried to take the entire country for themselves back in 1970 (aided by a Syrian invasion and Iranian communists, the Jordanian response became known as "Black September"), and when they got expelled to Lebanon then they tried to set up a parallel state there resulting in the civil war starting 5 years later and going on for 15 years with free for all involving over 60 factions (that's including pro-Iranian Palestinians vs pro-Syrian Palestinians vs pro-Iraqi Palestinians) and many other countries including Israeli invasion (opposed by America which together with France rescued Arafat and his forces from Beirut).
And the Egyptians currently have an Islamic State in Sinai insurgency along the border with Israel anyway.
Yes, Palestinians are literal refugees.
None of the other people in the entire world can be born "refugees" (and "stateless Palestinians", where stateless is because Arab countries don't give them citizenship) for a yet another generation of refugees born out of descendants of actual refugees. It only works like that for them and no one else ever.
Their "refugee camps" are actual cities. They're just not citizens and so have no rights at all.
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but yeah as far as I know that's how it goes.
Stateless is a more specific term. I would also call them refugees because they actually have nowhere to go. Palestine is like they say an open air prison.
Oh, they have places to go. More than 250,000, for example, went to the USA. Where they became American citizens, and thus ceased to be "stateless" as in every Arab country where they're not any second-class citizens because they're never citizens at all.
Iran is no different in this treatment of refugees. They host many thousands of their fellow Shiite Hazaras from Afghanistan (where they're oppressed and sometimes massacred), in many cases for decades, but award then citizenship only after a member of family agrees to join the Islamic Revolution Guard's mercenary forces and is sent to a war somewhere. While in Sweden they became citizens normally, just simply shortly after immigrating.