IMHO Hydrogen is the future, outside of Nuclear Fusion.
Since a decade or so back (think 15-20 years?), the electrical and mechanical portions are ready.
Problem at the time and still is, is managing a fuel supply that doesn't have exorbitant costs.
Hydrogen is always stuck onto something else so there needs to be a process to scrape it off and that means it's difficult to turn it into direct alternative for oil and gas.
The genius who manages to do that will become rich as fuck.
IMHO Hydrogen is the future, outside of Nuclear Fusion.
Since a decade or so back (think 15-20 years?), the electrical and mechanical portions are ready. Problem at the time and still is, is managing a fuel supply that doesn't have exorbitant costs.
Hydrogen is always stuck onto something else so there needs to be a process to scrape it off and that means it's difficult to turn it into direct alternative for oil and gas.
The genius who manages to do that will become rich as fuck.
I have a revolutionary idea where we can store hydrogen on long chains of carbon.
Enlightened! What shall we call these... hydro-carbons?