Julius Evola makes a strong case for sex without serving a biological purpose in his book: Eros and the Mysteries of Love.
Evola suggests that believing sex's only non-degenerate purpose is to procreate because of the pure biological function of sex is highly primitive and reduces humans to nothing but mere animals. Thus, viewing sex as nothing but a biological objective is in fact the most degenerative of all because you're suggesting humans have no spirit, no divinity, no enhanced meaning over and above the other animals. For people who believe in things such as God, then seeing sex as merely biological is the most degenerate of all.
Evola then goes on to argue for the purpose of sex as a spiritual calling to complete the human form in an idealized manner. He gives sex the potential for a very spiritual, passionate and uplifting experience then awakens the soul. Of course, much of the sex people are having these days doesn't fit this potential but he gives the potential for sex to be much more than merely biological a somewhat beautiful meaning.
I think sex can be an enhancing experience and there's nothing degenerate about seeking sex for something other than procreation but the way in which a lot of westerners, women especially, go about sex in modernity is in fact degenerate.
No, I don't think masturbation would really count from Evola's perspective given what I read. I don't think he'd readily call it degenerate but likely not the ideal.
Julius Evola makes a strong case for sex without serving a biological purpose in his book: Eros and the Mysteries of Love.
Evola suggests that believing sex's only non-degenerate purpose is to procreate because of the pure biological function of sex is highly primitive and reduces humans to nothing but mere animals. Thus, viewing sex as nothing but a biological objective is in fact the most degenerative of all because you're suggesting humans have no spirit, no divinity, no enhanced meaning over and above the other animals. For people who believe in things such as God, then seeing sex as merely biological is the most degenerate of all.
Evola then goes on to argue for the purpose of sex as a spiritual calling to complete the human form in an idealized manner. He gives sex the potential for a very spiritual, passionate and uplifting experience then awakens the soul. Of course, much of the sex people are having these days doesn't fit this potential but he gives the potential for sex to be much more than merely biological a somewhat beautiful meaning.
I think sex can be an enhancing experience and there's nothing degenerate about seeking sex for something other than procreation but the way in which a lot of westerners, women especially, go about sex in modernity is in fact degenerate.
What did he think about masturbation?
Personally I find the "spiritual" view of sex - an idea promoted by both religious and non-religious people - to be even more disturbing.
No, I don't think masturbation would really count from Evola's perspective given what I read. I don't think he'd readily call it degenerate but likely not the ideal.