If you think they rigged Trump out, then understand that NOTHING has changed to prevent that on that front.
You didn't need to say anything else, because many people believe that is the case and therefore literally none of your Orange Man Bad rambles matter because no one will have any chance given that rigging is still just as possible and they have zero reason not to do so again considering they faced zero consequence for it.
You are operating on the belief of a completely neutral playing field where there is 100% election integrity and "popularity" is a natural and non-manipulated metric. Which also makes everything else you are saying unnecessary because its built on faulty foundation.
Why do I even bother talking to you when you cannot understand that Trump and a non Trump candidate have different chances of winning despite the mail in ballots.
You think no one else can win because Trump will lose.
Idk man, you chose to respond to me and then repeated the same inane ramble a second time as if it would somehow be truer if you said it again.
While ignoring the point being made so you can assume "must be a Trumper."
Here is a hint for you, if they need to cheat 3 million votes instead of only 1 million because the other guy was way more popular it doesn't change the result or matter in the slightest.
Ah yes, because there is a set limit for fraud they we just need to beat and we win at that point. At which time they will simply throw up their hands, say drat, and let us have it.
You didn't need to say anything else, because many people believe that is the case and therefore literally none of your Orange Man Bad rambles matter because no one will have any chance given that rigging is still just as possible and they have zero reason not to do so again considering they faced zero consequence for it.
You are operating on the belief of a completely neutral playing field where there is 100% election integrity and "popularity" is a natural and non-manipulated metric. Which also makes everything else you are saying unnecessary because its built on faulty foundation.
Why do I even bother talking to you when you cannot understand that Trump and a non Trump candidate have different chances of winning despite the mail in ballots.
You think no one else can win because Trump will lose.
This is the mistake you are making.
Idk man, you chose to respond to me and then repeated the same inane ramble a second time as if it would somehow be truer if you said it again.
While ignoring the point being made so you can assume "must be a Trumper."
Here is a hint for you, if they need to cheat 3 million votes instead of only 1 million because the other guy was way more popular it doesn't change the result or matter in the slightest.
You are not capable of realizing that a different non Trump candidate can potentially win past the margin of fraud in 2024.
You think no candidate can win because that it is what allows you to nominate Trump again and when he loses again you guys can claim no one can win.
This is the definition of insanity.
Have a good day.
Ah yes, because there is a set limit for fraud they we just need to beat and we win at that point. At which time they will simply throw up their hands, say drat, and let us have it.
Truly I am the insane one.