posted ago by FrozeInFear ago by FrozeInFear +13 / -0

Two Wisconsin police officers were killed in a shootout Saturday. Both were from towns of less than 5,000 people. https://archive.ph/e0Mnk
There was an update to the story on the local news show yesterday to name the victims and deceased perpetrator: https://archive.ph/dr06R
In my unfortunate state of mind, I thought briefly about the regressive takeover of US institutions and got to wondering if we will eventually see mostly leftist rank-and-file police officers.
There have been a few stories posted recently of police scandals or selective enforcement, but many were from Canada or the UK. It seems that those places already have mostly true believers on patrol.
In the US, we clearly have some issues of what gets prosecuted and punished, and I believe some cities are or will be changing policies and standard police practices for EqoOtY reasons. I guess I don't know if the officers themselves are or will be compliant with some of that, especially if it ends up killing them.