It's funny that they demonise that style of rifle so much
When the latest shooting was done by a gun with a pistol caliber and most shootings are handguns because easier to conceal and pop out if you're a gang member.
They demonize it because it is the most effective style rifle for guerilla warfare. It’s highly adaptable for range/ territory/ size, has universal cheap components with many even being 3d printed anymore. The AR-15 is the Ak-47 of western society and a couple hundred civilians with them could take over strategic positions like military armories.
So you're telling me, that when Biden said you need jets and nukes to oppose the US military, he was lying and a couple of well trained, intelligent guerilla fighters on home turf could cripple military positions and supplies. You must be lying.
Next you'll tell me he got kickbacks from his son on drugs and that he's a pedo around kids (if you can't tell how sarcastic I'm being, I have a bridge to sell you)
It's funny that they demonise that style of rifle so much
When the latest shooting was done by a gun with a pistol caliber and most shootings are handguns because easier to conceal and pop out if you're a gang member.
They demonize it because it is the most effective style rifle for guerilla warfare. It’s highly adaptable for range/ territory/ size, has universal cheap components with many even being 3d printed anymore. The AR-15 is the Ak-47 of western society and a couple hundred civilians with them could take over strategic positions like military armories.
So you're telling me, that when Biden said you need jets and nukes to oppose the US military, he was lying and a couple of well trained, intelligent guerilla fighters on home turf could cripple military positions and supplies. You must be lying.
Next you'll tell me he got kickbacks from his son on drugs and that he's a pedo around kids (if you can't tell how sarcastic I'm being, I have a bridge to sell you)
BULLSHIT! As if some goat-fucking shepherds could fight off the worlds' mightiest military for more than 2 decades. You're delusional /s
Don't even need to be that well trained.