posted ago by dekachin ago by dekachin +51 / -0


I know you all aren't lawyers so let me explain this. In literally every US criminal case, the prosecutor is obligated to turn over all evidence they have which could possibly help the defendant, called Brady disclosure. Based on Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963). This is one of the most basic, fundamental rights in the US criminal justice system, and is a very very common basis for defense motions in criminal cases.

This dumbass is a magistrate judge in Denver who’s been selected for a federal district court seat there. His background is that he worked for the U.S. National Labor Relations Board in Denver, Colorado in 2000, then private practice for Rothgerber, Johnson, & Lyons LLP in 2001. In 2011, Judge Crews left Rothgerber and started practicing in a smaller firm, Mastin, Hoffman & Crews. In 2018, Judge Crews was selected to serve as a United States Magistrate Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Colorado.

He's been a magistrate judge for 5 years. Magistrates are the main people who decide discovery issues in criminal cases like Brady motions. There is no excuse for him not to know this. It's unbelievably basic. I'm not a criminal lawyer at all and yet I know all about it just because I worked as an intern at the federal court for only six months when I was in law school! This motherfucker has been on the bench for 5 years!

I can only imagine 1 explanation for why he doesn't know something so basic: he is lazy and doesn't do his job. He has his law clerks (basically law students) do all his work for him, and he just signs off on it.

It's entirely possible that he did not rule on a "Brady Motion" directly styled as such, though any discovery related motion would have implicated Brady. A formal "Brady Motion" would arise when the defense becomes aware of evidence that the prosecution did not turn over, either at trial or afterwards. The reason Brady comes up so often pre-trial is that the defense is always going to threaten that if the prosecution does not fulfill its discovery obligations, the defense will be forced to bring a Brady motion.

He's never even heard of Brady v. Maryland! He claims he recalled the case when asked (a lie) and then said it involved... the 2nd Amendment! LOL.

He's not qualified. He's only there because he's black. What a joke. What a racket. How is the United States going to have a legal system that isn't a total farce when we pick people who couldn't even pass a criminal law bar exam question to be federal judges?