No, that's because of sad, pathetic white woman worshipping race cuckolds and their invasion of this space, which is ironic given their views on immigration.
Nobody's asking you to give exact names, dates or GPS coordinates. You could give at least a vague answer, but you refuse. Why? By refusing to answer, you just reinforce the idea that you're just here to try to make people hate women and lately it's been White women specifically.
It would dox me to say anything.
Besides. It's not about me, it's about what I've seen.
How convenient.
You can say any bullshit you want, and when pressed on why, "it would dox me to say anything."
My views stand up on merit. They don't need to be backed by a traumatic personal story that doesn't exist.
Is that why you're so often downvoted to hell, to the point you've been banned from here at least twice?
No, that's because of sad, pathetic white woman worshipping race cuckolds and their invasion of this space, which is ironic given their views on immigration.
You seriously believe no man on earth has had a similar negative experience with women?
I mean, I have shared a fair bit about myself. Someone who knew me in real life could probably work it out if I gave a personal story on this account.
Nobody's asking you to give exact names, dates or GPS coordinates. You could give at least a vague answer, but you refuse. Why? By refusing to answer, you just reinforce the idea that you're just here to try to make people hate women and lately it's been White women specifically.
If women are what you say they are, surely there's nothing so unique about your experience that it could dox only you.