As a 19-year-old survivor of human trafficking and sexual violence who was coerced into a horrible situation, I was powerless to stop what happened to him," she said. "Yet, despite being innocent I was convicted and incarcerated for 27 years. What happened to Mr. Vigliarolo should not ever happen to anyone and I have spent my life since then fighting on the side of truth and justice for myself and countless others caught in the cycle of perpetual violence and victimization."
This woman forced a metal pipe up a man’s rectum, yet is somehow a “coerced victim”
This woman forced a metal pipe up a man’s rectum, yet is somehow a “coerced victim”
Her defence was literally "he was a fag anyway."
People need to stop with the automatic downvotes.
Stormfags and woman worshippers aren't people.
Yeah, it's a mystery why you get downvoted.