There's been a very concerted effort across fairly specific swaths of the Internet, going on about 2 years now, of troons and pedos baiting normalfags into attacking lolis/loli artists and fans. It is 100% transparent that they think the loliverse are a bunch of pedo "allies in waiting" and that if they just bring enough mainstream heat against that community then the pedos can recruit them when they have nowhere else to turn. They also SEETHE at the fact that lolicon culture is legal in most places (and decently popular online) where their fucked up child abuse isn't, so they get their rocks off attacking the loliverse anyway.
If you're into lolis sexually then you are infact a pedo. There's nothing wrong with liking anime characters. I'm personally a fan of cute parent-child interactions in Manga but sexual interest 100 percent makes a person a pedophile
Not the same thing. Stop using false equivalence. A pedophile is someone attracted to pre pubescence. It does not require anything more than a mental state. When you're being a little faggot jerking off to gay porn that means you are infact gay. Murder require an mental state and an action and to be performed against a real individual. Maybe you pedo fucks are confusing pedophilia with child molestation.
Leave the lolis alone.
There's been a very concerted effort across fairly specific swaths of the Internet, going on about 2 years now, of troons and pedos baiting normalfags into attacking lolis/loli artists and fans. It is 100% transparent that they think the loliverse are a bunch of pedo "allies in waiting" and that if they just bring enough mainstream heat against that community then the pedos can recruit them when they have nowhere else to turn. They also SEETHE at the fact that lolicon culture is legal in most places (and decently popular online) where their fucked up child abuse isn't, so they get their rocks off attacking the loliverse anyway.
Do not help them.
If you're into lolis sexually then you are infact a pedo. There's nothing wrong with liking anime characters. I'm personally a fan of cute parent-child interactions in Manga but sexual interest 100 percent makes a person a pedophile
And enjoying violent videogames 100% makes someone a murderer. How do you go through life being this big of a fucking retard?
Not the same thing. Stop using false equivalence. A pedophile is someone attracted to pre pubescence. It does not require anything more than a mental state. When you're being a little faggot jerking off to gay porn that means you are infact gay. Murder require an mental state and an action and to be performed against a real individual. Maybe you pedo fucks are confusing pedophilia with child molestation.
Apparently the answer is "with persistence."