Yep. Site isn't completely unusable, but certainly way worse than it was in the past. There's also a lot of gaslighting coming from these raiders like "4chan was always pro trans until election tourist chuds joined".
It doesn't help that in response to the discord tranny raids, the regular users responded by dragging down the entire site into nothing but "you're the tranny" " no you are, you won't trick me."
So even normal, unraided discussions, will devolve into the most pathetic little slap fights. Probably as intended.
Bitching about trans people being told to kill themseleves on 4chan of all places?
Troll! Or a masochist! Or both!
Yep. Site isn't completely unusable, but certainly way worse than it was in the past. There's also a lot of gaslighting coming from these raiders like "4chan was always pro trans until election tourist chuds joined".
It doesn't help that in response to the discord tranny raids, the regular users responded by dragging down the entire site into nothing but "you're the tranny" " no you are, you won't trick me."
So even normal, unraided discussions, will devolve into the most pathetic little slap fights. Probably as intended.
That and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if feds are trying very hard to try to make the site as unusable as possible.
They aren't really succeeding (thankfully), but it is annoying.
Same as it ever was. I'd rather we have the troonposting instead of the Accelspammer. Now that basically made the site unusable.