Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala is considered Finland’s top pediatric gender doctor who has been overseeing childhood transitions since 2011. A couple weeks ago Dr. Kaltiala gave an interview to a leading newspaper in which she explained that most kids will adjust to their bodies, unless they are socially transitioned.
Evidence from a combined 12 studies to date demonstrates that when children with cross-gender or gender variant behavior are left to develop naturally, the vast majority—“four out of five,” according to Kaltiala—come to terms with their bodies and learn to accept their sex. When they are socially transitioned, virtually none do…
Gender self-identification in youth is not a mere clerical “formality.” In Kaltiala’s words, “it’s a message saying that this is the right path for you.” Kaltiala thus concurs with NHS England, which recently noted that social transition—using a child’s preferred name and pronouns—is “not a neutral act” but rather one that can solidify what is otherwise likely to be a passing phase into a more permanent state of mind, or “identity,” and put the minor on a path to drugs and surgeries. The NHS now warns of the risks of social transition in children and recommends it only for adolescents who have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria and have provided informed consent.
It's not a bug, it's a feature. The Left knows it can multiply the number of trannies by manipulating children into rejecting, instead of accepting, their real gender.
They're mass producing trannies through manipulation of mentally ill young girls:
Within a few years of their country adopting the Dutch protocol in 2011, however, Finnish researchers noticed a sharp rise in the number of patients referred for services. Most of these patients were teenage girls with no history of dysphoria in childhood, and some 75% had a history of severe psychopathology prior to the emergence of their gender-related distress. During this same time period, the U.K.’s largest pediatric gender clinic, at the Tavistock Centre, witnessed a 3,360% surge in patient referrals between 2009 and 2018. Most of the new patients were females—whose representation in the clinic rose 4,400% during this time frame—with a history of serious psychological problems and no gender dysphoria prior to adolescence. Similar trends were being observed in other countries with pediatric gender clinics, including the United States. In 2018, the American physician-researcher Lisa Littman published a study suggesting that teenage girls with high rates of mental health problems were suddenly declaring a transgender identity, often in friend groups and after prolonged exposure to social media.
On the question of why so many minors are rejecting their sex (up to 9.1%, one U.S. study found), Helsingin Sanomat suggested that “many young people grab the idea available in the media and social media that their problems are caused by gender identity and will be solved if others start to see them as members of the other sex.” But that does not work, according to Kaltiala. “A balance of mind does not come from making others do and see what you want.”
As for the lies about suicide:
The popular “transition or suicide” narrative used by activists to push back against state reform efforts is, in Kaltiala’s words, “purposeful disinformation, and spreading it is irresponsible.”…
While there is evidence that teenagers who identify as transgender have elevated rates of suicide and suicidality ... there is no evidence that their elevated risk is because of unaffirmed gender identity or that social and medical transition will reduce their risk for self-harm.
There was no epidemic of suicides among gender-distressed teenagers before “gender affirming” hormones became available roughly 15 years ago. A study from the U.K. found that the suicide rate among minors seeking medical transition between 2010 and 2020 was 0.03%—nothing close to the 41% risk commonly cited by American activists.
On the other hand, in a large Swedish study, suicide mortality had clearly increased among adults who had received gender reassignment treatments.
While I like to joke about tranny suicide as much as anyone else, it's a meme, at least in teens. Affirming their delusion only makes them more likely to kill themselves.
As Alison Clayton has argued in a peer-reviewed paper, “an excessive focus on an exaggerated suicide risk narrative by clinicians and the media may create a damaging nocebo effect (... “self-fulfilling prophecy” ...) whereby suicidality in these vulnerable youths may be further exacerbated.” Tell kids that being suicidal is inherent to being transgender and that only hormones will solve their problem, and many may indeed become suicidal. The “affirm or suicide” discourse also runs counter to the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control, which emphasizes that “[s]uicide is never the result of a single factor or event” and warns against “presenting simplistic explanations for suicide.” It’s hard to think of a better example of “simplistic explanations” than “trans kids kill themselves when not given hormones.”
Kaltiala thinks that the suicide discourse is being pushed by “adults who have themselves benefited from gender reassignment, have a desire to go out and save children and young children. But they lack understanding that a child is not a small adult.” Activists are driven by a combination of motives including misguided empathy, a savior complex, and projection.
They left out "political activism" & "validation through proliferation" as major driving causes.
Unlike American doctors who dare question “gender affirmative” orthodoxies, Kaltiala has the backing of professional medical groups in her country.
And WHY IS IT, EXACTLY that American doctors are afraid to speak out? Leftist political activists, that's why.
source: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/science/articles/finland-youth-gender-medicine & https://archive.is/oe48S
One thing the researchers started to get right before troon grifters took over, was pointing out that sexual expression occurs on a spectrum. Not that there are 37 genders, but that masculine and feminine traits tend to cluster but are not exclusive to one side or the other. We don't need research to know there are masculine women and feminine men. Interpreting that to mean "gender identity exists and is separate from sex and is always correct", or that "expressing opposite sex traits means you ARE the opposite sex" was not the takeaway I expected from the people claiming "gEnDeR is A SocIal CoNStruCt", but here we are. Some of what you mentioned really is socially constructed though. (girl vs. boy clothes).
AFAIK the problem with autists is that they do categories too well. It's hard for them to recognize the above analog reality. Everything must be logically analyzed and filed under the correct label. "Oh I don't fit into category A? I must be in category B. Don't fit into category B either? There must be a THIRD category!"
And of course your example is about puberty which is a whacky time for everyone.
Their brains are basically like overtrained AIs and that's what you're seeing here with this idea they can't do analog and put everything in categories. This is what an overtrained AI does; if it's too big it can even have a category for individual things, memorizing them.
Functioning autists are susceptible to The Message because like AI they're really, really good at detecting the signal in the noise - way better than any normal human. All those little subtle things you see when you go back and watch old media now that you know what to look for, they picked up on that at the time.