My biggest fear is a diversity hire with their finger on the button. Recall that when Russia‘s nuclear alert radar generated a false alarm in 1983, we were only spared a global nuclear Holocaust because one white dude trusted his instincts and didn’t report the “attack” to his superiors until he could verify. Picture that same situation happening in 2023, except the person in charge is a sub-100 IQ retard. We all fucking die.
My biggest fear is a diversity hire with their finger on the button. Recall that when Russia‘s nuclear alert radar generated a false alarm in 1983, we were only spared a global nuclear Holocaust because one white dude trusted his instincts and didn’t report the “attack” to his superiors until he could verify. Picture that same situation happening in 2023, except the person in charge is a sub-100 IQ retard. We all fucking die.
Mate... it's been 40 years.
Do you honestly believe the institutions responsible for nuclear weaponry would not improve the entire thing during that time?