Despite my current account being new, I've been around TDW and the .win communities since the start. This is just like my 40th account or so. I get banned often.
KA2 was always a community I visited but not one of my primary communities. I remember years ago, KA2 seemed to have a very diverse community group with a lot of women also. I'd say the politics of KA2 was very bluepilled but with a realization that woke in video games is problematic.
I used to joke that KA2 was full of horned up teenagers that just wanted to see big anime titties and were upset feminists kept censoring their video games.
When I used to post on KA2, I usually got downvoted significantly, had people reply to me very angrily and I'd usually get banned.
Now it seems like through IMP1's nonstop barrage on the community, KA2 has almost become some MGTOW/KA2/ConPro hybrid and it's not even Imp1 anymore posting nonstop anti-women (not just crazy feminists) articles. Even the mods seem to have given up with a lot of stuff they'd have previously banned over.
Now arguably, any "redpilled" community if not constantly censored will kind of divulge into what KA2 has become because as people start to open their eyes to what's going on, this progression might be inevitable but I feel like Imp1 has had a major impact himself entirely that might have ensured the community didn't naturally progress itself but it just driven off a lot of previous members.
How does the KA2 community feel? Everything all good? Or not really as good as it was a couple years ago?
It's a fact that if "hecklers" are allowed to dominate a community and push it towards their own agenda, that the majority do not share, and that there are no tools to push these people out, the end result is people leaving so they don't have to see his woman-hating bullshit.
I've said before that Imp is a net negative to the sub, and that if he was banned, the sub would grow more than otherwise.
Content moderation is an important tool to protect a community from being hijacked. Unfortunately it is so extremely abused by liberals to transform anything they touch into a liberal safe space, that the RIght has this attitude that all "pruning" is invalid.
We should ban you then cause you're retarded too.
Yes. But he doesn't dominate the community.
I've always had the opposite attitude. That if someone actively tries to harm the community, that he needs to go. It's just common sense that if you do that, that you are not entitled to the protections ordinary members are entitled to. That said, there is no evidence that the Imp has ever tried that.