It's not 2,000. It's about 10. edit: someone said he thinks Shapiro said "two dozen" not 2,000, and listening it to again, that sounds right. It's a little high but it's not that far off.
I like Ben Shapiro and think he's a smart guy usually. I know this sub hates him, so enjoy me shitting on him in this post, I guess. I don't know if he's gotten too busy and can't keep his facts straight sometimes, or has gotten too complacent with his daily show, but once in a while he says clearly dumb, wrong shit where he should clearly know better.
The other day he said Russia needs Crimea to have a "warm water port", which is retarded, since Rostov & Novorossiysk are right next door. And no, while I don't expect Ben to know the details of Russian ports, I do expect him to know the basic geography of the Black Sea and the fact that Russia has a number of other coastal cities/ports on it. Anyway, this kind of thing happens more often than it should, and he ought to have better or more staffers giving him research and fact checking.
Graphic I've seen him link before where he mocked libs for being wildly wrong and thinking that thousands of unarmed blacks were mowed down by the cops every year when the true answer is about 10... and then he did the very thing he mocked the libs for himself today.
Remember when I said this is how you fall on the freedom/security line? It’s objectively bad the DW exists, they are pure neocon at the end of the day, it’s like saying Joe Biden is a good Democrat because he stands for the destruction of Americana but only so him and his kids profit.
Then there's nothing to discuss.
I dislike neocons as much as you do, but it's better to have neocons + good on basically everything else than a media consisting on bad on everything.
"It's better to have the frog ferry the scorpion than the spider"
"It's better to have 0% than 95%."
Percentages don't matter when the percent still ends in the death of the frog. DW are still globalist whores who will destroy Americana given the option. This is something you Eurocucks will never understand as you have no concept of the ability to live and die free.
When I was a child, and I got a present that wasn't exactly what I wanted, I would get mad/upset. Why?
Because this one my ONE THING I was entitled to get, so it had to be PERFECT and EXACTLY what I wanted. Anything less was an insult to me, disrespect, and what's worse, is that by accepting this gift, I was conceding that I would NEVER get the one thing I wanted. I would get this other thing instead, and have to fuck off for a whole year.
When I see people like the guy you are arguing with, this attitude I had as a small, immature child is the only thing I can liken their attitude to. They want their One True Right Wing Messiah. Anyone who fails their purity test is not just a Pretender, but sucks up the finite oxygen on the Right such that Ben Shapiro's existence, to their mind, makes it less likely that their One True Right Wing Messiah can emerge. Perhaps their One True Right Wing Messiah is an obscure youtuber who never caught on because people watched Ben Shapiro instead?
That's my understanding of how these people think. Of course it's irrational and totally immature and crazy to think that way. Of course its based on ridiculous and absurd assumptions about how the world works that aren't remotely true, and are typically only believed by small children. Specifically, the idea that every other "impure" right winger represents a threat to their Messiah who magically agrees with them on 100% of things.
So it's pointless to argue with them. They're not rational, mature, developed minds.