They find that the literature feels more current, which is refreshing. And it’s easier to understand than, say, Shakespeare, which has pretty dated language. I’ve had some friends say that Shakespeare is irrelevant.
It's easier to understand? Say no more.
I’m originally from Newfoundland and Labrador, but I grew up in the GTA. I’m a member of the Mi’kmaq and Loon Clan, and I’m in Grade 12 at Kâpapâmahchakwêw—Wandering Spirit School in East York.
His last name comes from Arabic. He's probably Pakistani or something. Note how he completely ignores that part of his background, because it gives him more privilege to claim membership in as many Indian tribes as possible.
It's easier to understand? Say no more.
His last name comes from Arabic. He's probably Pakistani or something. Note how he completely ignores that part of his background, because it gives him more privilege to claim membership in as many Indian tribes as possible.
Yeah, that's easier to say than Hamlet or Romeo
The lady doth kâpapâmahchakwêw too much, methinks.