Ukrainian secret police discovers men trying to flee the draft.
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Nothing says "we're winning" like forcing the unwilling to fight for you.
The Russians have about 2 million men or more to throw into the war.
Ukraine can't match that so they need to rely on US weapons and appeals to us and to NATO for help. Draft dodgers and the 60-year-old upper age limit for draftees suggest a large Russian advantage in manpower/cannon fodder.
The Germans sending tanks to Ukraine escalated the war nicely. Can a "low-yield nuclear exchange" be far behind?
It seems to me that the unwillingness of the anti-Russian parties to negotiate a peace indicates the motive for backing Zelensky is purely economic. The alliance is a cash cow for weapons manufacturers and Ukrainian oligarchs and a means for the US to monopolize the energy market now that Western Europe has fallen for the global warming scam.
One wonders if Russia's demographic collapse will ever leave it short of cannon fodder. Traditionally, they've had a lot.
I haven't heard that Russians aren't reproducing.
I heard they did. They have a lower birth rate than China who is purported to have a demographic bomb.