Any predictions? Considering the trendiest representation today is lgbt, black (although straight black male is not so desirable anymore), or female. I fully expect one of them to be the hero or some girl power or secret gay campers being abused. Intersectional storytelling isn’t pretty easy to guess. I think it’s set in the 80s. Or I would think so if not the 70s. With real writers this would be a cool homage to 80s horror which I love kind of like how most of Stranger things was (minus season 3 how they changed the plot for the jock and the nerd girl to be romantically involved so she could be a lesbian because that was all over 80s tv).
Also, I know Nerdrotic has mentioned that modern Hollywood loves prequels so they can show a female or “marginalized” person doing it first. I guess Dr Who would be best example or I hear the captain in Star Trek discovery was the foster sister of Spock and mentored him
Anyway, based on modern entertainment how do you see this going down?
I think I read somewhere that it'll emphasize how the camp has a blood curse placed on it. So likely we'll get some native american grievances. However they have said the show is focused on "these two characters" which can reasonably be surmised to be Jason and his mother. Maybe they're going for a Bates Motel kind of thing, but does that make sense? Jason "died" when he was young. And does anybody really want to watch a show about a retard getting bullied?
Of course not. Granted nobody was clamoring for a female doctor, a willow reboot with lgbt pandering, Velma, and the list goes on.
I don't know, are there any groups of especially sadistic people, who especially want to see males being harmed?
I can't think of any, of course.