77 Oh fuck off, Ben Shapiro (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 2 years ago by YesMovement 2 years ago by YesMovement +80 / -3 206 comments download share 206 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I mean, if it makes you devolve into a tumblr girl level retard who can only go "wow I can't even, like that's so gross you guys" I'll even fake being a Jew hater.
so your logic is that my calling people "gross" for antisemitism, is worse then the antisemitism.
yeah bro I think you're just antisemitic with a very lame excuse.
No, I just think your chimping out is funny, just like their antisemitism is often funny.
I'm one of those woman haters like Imp, Jews are irrelevant to my care most days.