Well now, that could be an interesting idea for the disconnect I have seen in my life between no one having vax side effects but also seeing enough evidence online to know something is off.
No one I know IRL except for extremely elderly grandparents has had more than the initial 2 rounds of the vax and never got boosted.
Of my family I know of people who got 1 or 2 but NO ONE got boosters. My mother got 2 because she wanted to work again but turns out that was a lie to her. She's slightly more sick nowadays as she even admits.
Managed to convince all to at least stop at the 2 or even get them at 1, me I'm pureblood as my bs detector went off the second they announced them. Shame I couldn't convince work colleagues of the same though..
Well now, that could be an interesting idea for the disconnect I have seen in my life between no one having vax side effects but also seeing enough evidence online to know something is off.
No one I know IRL except for extremely elderly grandparents has had more than the initial 2 rounds of the vax and never got boosted.
Of my family I know of people who got 1 or 2 but NO ONE got boosters. My mother got 2 because she wanted to work again but turns out that was a lie to her. She's slightly more sick nowadays as she even admits.
Managed to convince all to at least stop at the 2 or even get them at 1, me I'm pureblood as my bs detector went off the second they announced them. Shame I couldn't convince work colleagues of the same though..
I know a pair of elderly people who took the full shot course and are both constantly sick now.