Roaches get fucked.
Erdogan was holding up the NATO ratification of Finland and Sweden unless they turned over Turkish political dissidents to him en masse. Having basic respect for human rights and the concept of an independent judiciary, they said no. So there has been an impasse throughout 2022.
NATO member Turkey requested in October 2021 to buy 40 advanced F-16 fighter jets, 79 kits that would upgrade Turkey’s existing fleet of aged F-16s, as well as hundreds of bombs and missiles. The U.S. has warned Turkey that Congress may not approve the $20 billion sale if Ankara does not ratify Sweden's and Finland's NATO bids, a senior Turkish official said on condition of anonymity.
Turns out you can't run an airforce off of little TB-2 drones. Turkey's air force is based on F-16s, and they need the US for modernization, upgrades, and maintenance.
It's not blackmail by Turkey.
Finland is a lame duck, a useless waste of space living in daydreams of Simo Hayha when they got conquered by middle aged women who read the SCUM Manifesto for pleasure. Nobody says "I'm under attack, call the Finns and the Swedes!".
It's just another handout for collapsing feminist governments who will push their military budget onto the backs of US taxpayers to give women more benefits.
No? Deportation of folks Turkey doesn't like has absolutely nothing to do with NATO membership, though I'm glad they're holding up this nonsense.
[The Winter War has entered the conversation]
All kidding aside, how does this prove that it is not blackmail by Turkey?
BTW, you swore high and low that Finland and Denmark only abolished Covid restrictions early in 2022 in order to reintroduce them later on the year and "make it more painful for men". What happened to that, Impstradamus?
Those groups are considered terrorists.
Because even a blind person can see that Finland and Sweden are just another dead weight.
Noted. Whoever a given government 'considers terrorists' is fine to be deported to face a show trial for opposing the government.
Say, have you not been saying that the UK government considers you a terrorist?
What's more likely: that the ruthless US security state is adding 'dead weight' to its empire, or that Imp is wrong?
I note that you did not address your brilliant prediction about how Finland and Denmark would reintroduce Covid restrictions and that they only abolished them to make it more painful.
The UK Government is illegitimate as per the UN's Rome Statute, crimes against humanity - "persecution of a gender".
That the US feminist puppet government is financially propping up their allies.