Thatcher tried restoring the UK but the liberals and the conservatives conspired against her because they wanted their sweet sweet European Union ass fucking. The poor were fucking stupid and thought they could retire and travel across the continent living like royalty and the rich knew that they could and the poor couldn't. Since the beginning of the inception of the European Union the UK was lost and any attempt to revive it was beaten down horribly by the conservatives and the liberals.
Thatcher tried restoring the UK but the liberals and the conservatives conspired against her because they wanted their sweet sweet European Union ass fucking. The poor were fucking stupid and thought they could retire and travel across the continent living like royalty and the rich knew that they could and the poor couldn't. Since the beginning of the inception of the European Union the UK was lost and any attempt to revive it was beaten down horribly by the conservatives and the liberals.
And yet thought crime is a UK led endeavor. Don't hear much about it in the EU.
Both sides of the shit sandwich are shit.
You don't hear about it in the EU because nobody cares about those countries.
We're in the Anglosphere, we only really hear about shit in the US, Canada, and the UK. Everywhere else is more abstract.