Dont even have to watch these videos, just look at the comments on them ( I recommend using ad block to not give these people any ad revenue profits, even if its a few cents):
And the thing that pisses me off is that anime is actually such a diverse medium, that there are literally mountainloads of anime that dont sexualize women. There is literally genres like shoujo and manhwa geared towards female audiences, and yet these people go into shounen (a genre meant for teenage boys), and the complain that the women are sexualized.
And when you point out that there are genres that gear towards women as well, its still not enough for them.
Related to the post u/Theman2008 made earlier today
I mean, you could say the same for the feminist movement as a whole; most of them are not attractive, and the ones that are are usually indoctrinated college girls who are trying to fit in with the 'cool kids.'
Also, they suffer extensively from Protagonist Syndrome, where they all think they're the main character of life. Of course it's an insult if someone else - even fictional characters - are more attractive than them, or gets more attention. Narcissism through and through.
Also fits perfectly with why someone like Anita Sarkessian who admitted to not being a gamer couldn’t just say gaming wasn’t for her and move to something else, she had to make up a crusade to “fix” the hobby.