He really doesn't, he has disposable a normie non-opinion like the rest of you. Real question is what the fuck is this investment you clowns have in this. I doubt you have to search far and wide to stick it to the libs, why the fuck does this consist 5 different threads? Why must this have countless threads on /pol/? Why, months before any of this picked up, were there dozens upon dozens of demoralization threads in /ic/? I imagine it is completely flooded now. Why were known infiltrators on ConsumeProduct hyping this up out of nowhere? None of you gave a shit about art before any of this for me to believe that any of you are this invested to keep bringing it up where no one is asking for your help or your well-wishes. It almost seems to come out of nowhere that a lot of you suspiciously infrequent posters and unfamiliar names are upset about artists protecting themselves where there is no imperative at all to feel anything but complete ambivalence, maybe a shrug or a "ha" at worst. Who thrives off fomenting these aggravations and the subsequent demoralization? Who benefits most from artists hanging their head in a frump and just giving their art out to be used for free? Who created stable diffusion?
(Watch a bunch of sleepers swarm this post taking disproportionate personal offense like I just suggested selling drugs to the community. I have said far more controversial things, but this one seems to be the hot button for some reason... hmmm?!)
That's right, these motherfuckers wear programmer socks. Trannies. This is their modus operandi, they are the bulk of programmers behind bots in general, it is fucking discord trannies pushing this agenda. They're just like the ones who have a monopoly over the art world in general except they cut their psyop teeth on /r9k/ and /g/, and now they hold the keys to the citadel. This has a lot more implications for entry level jobs and up the pipeline than you might think as work revolves around money, industries revolve around money; which is to say if you were previously an artist, you're now a turd polisher with zero creative input even at higher levels and the entry point will be completely destroyed, making actual artists drop off and turning commercial art into another adult daycare with no possibility of extra-vocational reach, since the other fields of illustration will no doubt be bastardized aswell. On a widespread level quality doesn't matter as much as you'd suspect and you basically just gave complete control to the hands of even worse LEFTIES than who you think you're sticking it to, with complete and meticulous control over the parameters of creative generation and it will infect everything they touch, which is the seed of full societal artistic control down to the line of code. To even compete on a cultural level, as say a company, you will have to use AI by their design AND in accordance with ESG scores, nothing built from the ground up by anyone even slightly right leaning will take off. You will drown in a world of aesthetic dogshit because it is cheaper, under their complete political control because it is cheaper. That isn't to mention the bigger picture of totalitarian encroachment that we've seen so far. The bunker pinko contingent chose to appropriate art because of its industry-wide naivety and lack of protection.
The artists bemoan the non-consentual sampling of their work, but the reality is much more grave and you're cheering for it. But hey, atleast you were able to make pepe the frog from classical pieces for a little bit.
AI is gonna have two effects - it's going to put unoriginal artists out of business, and it'll give the powers that shouldn't be an unfathomable force multiplier in propaganda and misinfo.
you're right that the former is hardly important or indeed funny anymore when we are faced with the latter. these are not going to be pretty times. i fear the worst of the kali-yuga will rear its ugly head soon.
you're right that the former is hardly important or indeed funny anymore when we are faced with the latter. these are not going to be pretty times. i fear the worst of the kali-yuga will rear its ugly head soon.
AI is gonna have two effects - it's going to put unoriginal artists out of business, and it'll give the powers that shouldn't be an unfathomable force multiplier in propaganda and misinfo.
I wish it were the case that only unoriginal artists would be affected, but there are so many fragile contingencies that even the better among us with their own IPs will have their legs kicked out from under them. Then comes a deluge of AI art that completely drowns their reach.
I've been around for a long time, and I have seen what even small changes does to art as a commercial organism. From the Conceptart.org days onward into the advent of social media, changing so many faces with how one makes their living from their cultivated skillset. It used to be a meritocracy, now I am not so sure.
Sometimes I wish it would fall - even right now, if you don't include your pronouns that's a net loss; follow Rush Limbaugh and Wizards of the Coast is closed off to you - fledgling artists, even now, don't get the mentorship they need unless they are groomed because those jobs place you under the wing of the best in the industry so it's likely we're in the last days of what might be considered skillful or original.
He really doesn't, he has disposable a normie non-opinion like the rest of you. Real question is what the fuck is this investment you clowns have in this. I doubt you have to search far and wide to stick it to the libs, why the fuck does this consist 5 different threads? Why must this have countless threads on /pol/? Why, months before any of this picked up, were there dozens upon dozens of demoralization threads in /ic/? I imagine it is completely flooded now. Why were known infiltrators on ConsumeProduct hyping this up out of nowhere? None of you gave a shit about art before any of this for me to believe that any of you are this invested to keep bringing it up where no one is asking for your help or your well-wishes. It almost seems to come out of nowhere that a lot of you suspiciously infrequent posters and unfamiliar names are upset about artists protecting themselves where there is no imperative at all to feel anything but complete ambivalence, maybe a shrug or a "ha" at worst. Who thrives off fomenting these aggravations and the subsequent demoralization? Who benefits most from artists hanging their head in a frump and just giving their art out to be used for free? Who created stable diffusion?
(Watch a bunch of sleepers swarm this post taking disproportionate personal offense like I just suggested selling drugs to the community. I have said far more controversial things, but this one seems to be the hot button for some reason... hmmm?!)
That's right, these motherfuckers wear programmer socks. Trannies. This is their modus operandi, they are the bulk of programmers behind bots in general, it is fucking discord trannies pushing this agenda. They're just like the ones who have a monopoly over the art world in general except they cut their psyop teeth on /r9k/ and /g/, and now they hold the keys to the citadel. This has a lot more implications for entry level jobs and up the pipeline than you might think as work revolves around money, industries revolve around money; which is to say if you were previously an artist, you're now a turd polisher with zero creative input even at higher levels and the entry point will be completely destroyed, making actual artists drop off and turning commercial art into another adult daycare with no possibility of extra-vocational reach, since the other fields of illustration will no doubt be bastardized aswell. On a widespread level quality doesn't matter as much as you'd suspect and you basically just gave complete control to the hands of even worse LEFTIES than who you think you're sticking it to, with complete and meticulous control over the parameters of creative generation and it will infect everything they touch, which is the seed of full societal artistic control down to the line of code. To even compete on a cultural level, as say a company, you will have to use AI by their design AND in accordance with ESG scores, nothing built from the ground up by anyone even slightly right leaning will take off. You will drown in a world of aesthetic dogshit because it is cheaper, under their complete political control because it is cheaper. That isn't to mention the bigger picture of totalitarian encroachment that we've seen so far. The bunker pinko contingent chose to appropriate art because of its industry-wide naivety and lack of protection.
The artists bemoan the non-consentual sampling of their work, but the reality is much more grave and you're cheering for it. But hey, atleast you were able to make pepe the frog from classical pieces for a little bit.
AI is gonna have two effects - it's going to put unoriginal artists out of business, and it'll give the powers that shouldn't be an unfathomable force multiplier in propaganda and misinfo.
you're right that the former is hardly important or indeed funny anymore when we are faced with the latter. these are not going to be pretty times. i fear the worst of the kali-yuga will rear its ugly head soon.
I wish it were the case that only unoriginal artists would be affected, but there are so many fragile contingencies that even the better among us with their own IPs will have their legs kicked out from under them. Then comes a deluge of AI art that completely drowns their reach.
I've been around for a long time, and I have seen what even small changes does to art as a commercial organism. From the Conceptart.org days onward into the advent of social media, changing so many faces with how one makes their living from their cultivated skillset. It used to be a meritocracy, now I am not so sure.
Sometimes I wish it would fall - even right now, if you don't include your pronouns that's a net loss; follow Rush Limbaugh and Wizards of the Coast is closed off to you - fledgling artists, even now, don't get the mentorship they need unless they are groomed because those jobs place you under the wing of the best in the industry so it's likely we're in the last days of what might be considered skillful or original.
You just described why the industry should burn to the ground. I’m here for it.