In case you need a reason to skip GDQ this year
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Lucky for me I can't think of any gaming topic less interesting than watching speed runners.
I'm curious, does the general public act like it still gives a shit about Covid anywhere in the US? Even when I've been in liberal areas of Texas, masks are not the norm and when it comes to my own friend group I think 100% of them even extended friend-of-friend types have disregarded Covid entirely for all of 2022. Is Cali, NYC, or whatever still doing all this stuff?
I admit to watching some speed runs ages ago, when it was a new thing. I found it interesting how some players played a game so much that they knew every area and did them in the optimal sequence. Then it started doing exploits that was basically cheating and I no longer cared, this was before going overboard with the gay and trans stuff.
Don't get me wrong, doing a speed run in itself is stupid. Why would you not enjoy the game instead of rushing thru it? Makes little sense but it was fun to watch the skill on some players.
Depends on the run, like you said. It looks cool to see someone play the game as intended as quickly and smoothly as possible. Once they start excessively glitching and skipping as much of the game as they can, it sucks all the fun out of it.
A bit of glitches here and there can be fun too. BLJ in SM64 is iconic. But once the run becomes more glitch than gameplay, you're left wondering what the point was.