I voted for this man twice and I can tell you now that this version of Trump will likely lead us to a complete electoral wipeout like McCain did in 2008.
A campaign that is solely built on entitlement and revenge is fated to lose.
Trump 2016 succeeded because it was built on hope and a vision for the future not "reinstatement now! I was robbed!"
I love Jesse Kelly but he wouldn't be able to win the general election because he says too many honest things that make the weak people who make up a large share of the voter base uncomfortable.
What we need is someone with Jesse Kelly's views/policies but is able to pretend to be a Mr. Rogers moderate during the campaign.
How is this a good idea now?
No fucking way he can get reinstated.
Him constantly crying for reinstatement only harms his cause.
Sad to see that the 2020 election broke Trump.
Looks like he will never stop unsuccessfully relitigating this past election.
And people here give me shit for not backing Trump 2024?
Do you want to only hear "I was robbed in 2020, give me redo now" for another two more years as a presidential campaign?
We know what happened but it is way too late to do anything about 2020 now.
What a fucking nightmare!
This is a laughable argument.
There will be no meaningful change in China.
Unless the military coups Lula, Bolsonaro ain't going to be in power.
You think you can protest and just magically get Trump reinstated?
How did the protest in January 2021 go again?
This is a retarded idea.
What you propose will result in another J6 and more Trump supporters will be imprisoned as a result.
The path forward is preventing 2020 from happening in a future election not fixating on repairing an election that happened fucking two years ago.
There will be no remedy for 2020. It is 2022! It won't happen. Accept reality.
You are acting like one of those Qanon clowns who are like " trust the plan, Trump will be back anyday now! "
Saying it is stolen over and over hurts us in every future election.
Every single candidate that kept saying the election was stolen in 2022 lost in the midterm elections.
Keep talking and complaining about 2020 and you will achieve nothing.
The key is to apply the lessons learned and prevent it from happening again.
That was my biggest concern about his 2024 run. All about 2020 election
This is sadly what his 2024 campaign will be.
I voted for this man twice and I can tell you now that this version of Trump will likely lead us to a complete electoral wipeout like McCain did in 2008.
A campaign that is solely built on entitlement and revenge is fated to lose.
Trump 2016 succeeded because it was built on hope and a vision for the future not "reinstatement now! I was robbed!"
Trump needs to call him "Rhonda Santis" as the primary officially gets underway. It's his only shot.
I love Jesse Kelly but he wouldn't be able to win the general election because he says too many honest things that make the weak people who make up a large share of the voter base uncomfortable.
What we need is someone with Jesse Kelly's views/policies but is able to pretend to be a Mr. Rogers moderate during the campaign.