I could tolerate it on a local level, but any government selected with democracy needs to have its powers so limited that it's almost a pointless waste of time.
Democracy is like having a conversation, with a small group of friends it's easy to do as you can see each others ques and respond properly without interrupting
Democracy currently is a club with 100s of people while blarring pop songs on the highest volume.
I mean, I don't. At least in it's current form as we are relying on the will of the people to dictate the future of a nation
That was a massive mistake
I could tolerate it on a local level, but any government selected with democracy needs to have its powers so limited that it's almost a pointless waste of time.
Democracy is like having a conversation, with a small group of friends it's easy to do as you can see each others ques and respond properly without interrupting
Democracy currently is a club with 100s of people while blarring pop songs on the highest volume.
More like will of the mindless low information drones who vote blue no matter who.