Mastodon is older, inefficient software for ActivityPub federated microblogging. There are better alternatives.
Do you want salt ?
Join ActivityPub federated microblogging now and, as a time limited offer, you can troll new Twitter snowflakes who migrated there! Search for tags #TwitterRefugee #TwitterMigration Offer lasts until former Twitter users have ragequit or have fled from being triggered.
Thanks, I remember when people were talking about Mastodon as the future of decentralized social networks... and then the entire federation banned Gab.
Anybody interested should check out, freespeechextremist, or They are all pretty good instances. The only major difference from twitter is that you have to mark any NSFW stuff as sensitive or you can get in trouble.
Tumblr is apparently adding activitypub support soon, which means a lot of people using that will get rightfully bullied.
Recently there were a bunch of journalists that joined with and they got a flood of bullying too.
Mastodon is older, inefficient software for ActivityPub federated microblogging. There are better alternatives.
Do you want salt ?
Join ActivityPub federated microblogging now and, as a time limited offer, you can troll new Twitter snowflakes who migrated there! Search for tags
#TwitterRefugee #TwitterMigration
Offer lasts until former Twitter users have ragequit or have fled from being triggered.
Thanks, I remember when people were talking about Mastodon as the future of decentralized social networks... and then the entire federation banned Gab.
Anybody interested should check out, freespeechextremist, or They are all pretty good instances. The only major difference from twitter is that you have to mark any NSFW stuff as sensitive or you can get in trouble.
Tumblr is apparently adding activitypub support soon, which means a lot of people using that will get rightfully bullied.
Recently there were a bunch of journalists that joined with and they got a flood of bullying too.