The funniest part of this is the dad's instagram comment in the article.
Every one knows my son @babysizzle808 I’m raising him to be strong and to voice his opinion no matter what he called me the other day and said dad I have a c im trying to get my grade up but my teacher is a racists I thought he was trying to say because of his grade so today he sends me these videos this man told my child his race is superior I don’t understand how we’re still in a world where I kno I am probably more intelligent I have accomplished way more in life than this guy legally my son Wants a education and he is being denied that this shit is sad this is in Austin Texas this hurts my heart to see this I’m so angry I’m loss for words but I will stand up for my child and the other black and Spanish kings and queens in this video
The funniest part of this is the dad's instagram comment in the article.
It never even began for babysizzle808.
You can really hear those 70 IQ points grinding together here.