Trump separated himself from the pack in 2016 by campaigning on building the wall, deporting illegals, draining the swamp, and locking up Hillary.
If he tries running on the same or similar issues this time around, the stench of bullshit will be too much to ignore except for his most devoted followers.
IMO, he'll probably run on "I'm not Biden," and I'm sure with how bad Biden is, he'll win just off of that.
The sad part is, this will be another wasted election to try and get an actual change candidate who won't sell out as much. Too bad Rand Paul has a terrible sense of what grassroots Republican voters want. Last time around, he was pandering to try in bring in more black voters. Fucking eh, what a mess.
If he is the nominee for 2024 he will mainly run on his personal grievances like "the election was stolen from me in 2020".
Trump will sadly turn off so many swing voters unnecessarily.
I don't think Trump can win a presidential race ever again with how many people now blindly hate him.
I pray our 2024 primary voters learn a lesson this Tuesday after they see Mastriano lose PA governor.
To maximize our chances of winning in 2024 we need someone new like Ron DeSantis or hell even Kari Lake or Glenn Youngkin.
Rand Paul is really bad at campaigning so he is not preferable at all.
I think he can, based on his track record with the economy and how bad Biden is.
And Biden didn't even win, they just rigged the election, but we haven't done much to crack down on voter fraud, so that'll be a hurdle.
I read your other post where you said he'll lose because he attended J6, but what is the lesson to be learned?
Sincere question, I haven't kept up with this race and I don't care too much for elections because I think they're rigged and the candidates usually sell out.
I wouldn't vote for any of those. In the case of DeSantis, IMO, he's better off as a Governor and we just dangle a carrot in front of him so he does a good job in Florida thinking he can run for President.
Yeah, sadly, and he doesn't have his ears to the ground. With that said, IMO, he would be the best choice if he could actually win.
When given a choice between Biden and Trump in 2024, most normies will foolishly choose Biden because they impulsively seethe when they even see the orange man.
Trump's chances of winning 2024 against even Biden are honestly quite abysmal.
In the dark timeline where he becomes the R nominee in 2024, I still would vote for Trump. I will vote for whoever the R nominee is in 2024 but I prefer someone new without Trump's baggage.
Look at my previous comment in another thread to see what Mastriano's problems in PA are:
Trump will face the exact same problems in 2024 nationwide if he is the nominee.
You don't want candidates that are absolute poison to suburbs in swing states. Trump in 2016 didn't have the 1/6 stigma.
I like Rand Paul but even if he was excellent at campaigning he is not my favorite pick for 2024. I disagree with Rand Paul's libertarian views when it comes to big tech. Rand Paul believes that the govt should not regulate at all against their bias.
In terms of possible 2024 candidates:
Kari Lake would be the most based on policy and she has real charisma.
Glenn Youngkin would be okay on policy but he is excellent at campaigning.
Youngkin would also be the most palatable candidate to suburbs so he likely would have the highest electability.
Ron DeSantis is the balance between Lake and Youngkin. DeSantis fuses pretty good policy positions with a high level of electability. DeSantis lacks Lake's charisma though.
My personal ranking for 2024 would be
Big gap in quality