America's obsession with The Tribe is really something to behold.
It really is.
Jewish power over America is truly staggering. They have power in European nations, of course, but what they can make happen in America dwarfs what they make happen in almost any European nation, with perhaps the sole exception of Germany.
A sitution like that in England - where the major opposition party is full of anti-semite, anti-Jewish, anti-Israel (I consider all three of these things distinct from one another), pro palestine, pro-hamas views and yet still electorally viable - would be utterly unthinkable in the US.
No. In Europe, it is the Muslim that you are not allowed to criticize - for a very different reason.
Everything is discussed openly in Germany and every German claims the right to have an opinion on any and all questions. One is Catholic, the other Protestant, one an employee, the other an employer, a capitalist, a socialist, a democrat, an aristocrat. There is nothing dishonorable about choosing one side or the other of a question. Discussions happen in public and where matters are unclear or confused one settles it by argument and counter argument. But there is one problem that is not discussed publicly, one that it is delicate even to mention: the Jewish question. It is taboo in our republic.
Imagine a culture where anti-white statements resulted in immediate targeted violence, or where a pro-white organization could force ideological compliance from virtually every major corporation. People would rightfully call such an environment “fascist”, and yet that is precisely the sort of environment in which we live today - it’s just not controlled by white peoples.
America's obsession with The Tribe is really something to behold. You'd almost think they ran the place!
It really is.
Jewish power over America is truly staggering. They have power in European nations, of course, but what they can make happen in America dwarfs what they make happen in almost any European nation, with perhaps the sole exception of Germany.
A sitution like that in England - where the major opposition party is full of anti-semite, anti-Jewish, anti-Israel (I consider all three of these things distinct from one another), pro palestine, pro-hamas views and yet still electorally viable - would be utterly unthinkable in the US.
No. In Europe, it is the Muslim that you are not allowed to criticize - for a very different reason.
-----Joseph Goebbels
Imagine a culture where anti-white statements resulted in immediate targeted violence, or where a pro-white organization could force ideological compliance from virtually every major corporation. People would rightfully call such an environment “fascist”, and yet that is precisely the sort of environment in which we live today - it’s just not controlled by white peoples.
When can we remove Biden from office for "failure to disavow child molesting"?
Or failure to disavow racism but apparently the man is not only an authority on children but also on who is black and who isn't.
Fuck the NBA
Where's Antonio and Imp, the Jewdens most stalwart defenders on this site lol
"Shutup and dribble" - The Tribe, probably