Disney to have Creative Control over Doctor Who
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How is that even possible? Hasn't the BBC been running Doctor Who since day one in 1963, aside from that 1989-2005 hiatus?
Or do you mean they reran it during said hiatus, thus technically it ran for more years than it ran on the BBC?
Doctor Who has been on Iowa Public Television's weekly schedule continuously (excepting the occasional interruption for special events) since 1974.
The hiatus years were actually IPT's heyday, when they were airing it along side Red Dwarf, Hitchhiker's Guide, Neverwhere, and Blake's 7 as a friday night block.
They were the station that prevented Sci-Fi channel from getting exclusive rights to Doctor Who back in the 00's. They'd been paying for Doctor Who for so long that BBC didn't want to cut them out, and Sci-Fi wanted a monopoly on US distribution.
As someone who became a fan of MST3K and Sliders thanks to the Sci-Fi Channel's airings, I'm kinda bummed they didn't get Doctor Who.
That's a really good chunk of shows.
Yeah. It was done in the style of a late-night b-movie theater, with an MC doing a brief intro for the night's lineup. They'd open with Jack Horkheimer, PBS's weekly 5 minute stargazing show. Then always Red Dwarf, and then after that the schedule varied although it always ended with two episodes of Doctor Who and then the station would shut down for the night.
I think Oregon had something like that, because I remember seeing it.