Were you voluntarily watching Chicago P.D.? To answer your question it’s the kid gloves treatment, it’s okay to say a “white neckbeard” can’t get laid, but to say an autistic 5’3 Asian male can’t get laid is racist. It’s societal bullying, they know men of European descent are constantly forced on the defensive so that’s why they are targeted. It also is probably a slighted attempt at more social engineering as “white” men are still the highest desirable mate along with Asian women. The latter might start trending down again soon because the appeal was in their social trends and obesity rates which is slowly normalizing.
Were you voluntarily watching Chicago P.D.? To answer your question it’s the kid gloves treatment, it’s okay to say a “white neckbeard” can’t get laid, but to say an autistic 5’3 Asian male can’t get laid is racist. It’s societal bullying, they know men of European descent are constantly forced on the defensive so that’s why they are targeted. It also is probably a slighted attempt at more social engineering as “white” men are still the highest desirable mate along with Asian women. The latter might start trending down again soon because the appeal was in their social trends and obesity rates which is slowly normalizing.