It is extremely obvious that he is being flippant yet geniuses really sat in the comments arguing about whether anime is satanic and using his sarcastic joke to "prove" he is a shill or criticize his conservative opinions
Drafting women would be suicidal from a military effectiveness perspective. Stop being a moron.
"When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail" is you and blaming women solely for everything.
Imp is suicidal on a societal level.
His advocacy is explicitly anti-natal.
It's not about effectiveness, just like getting more nukes isn't about winning wars. It's about deterring evil people from acting because their actions will destroy their people too.
Mutually Assured Destruction solves everything.
Doing anything for a military that is negative to effectiveness is fucking stupid, imp. Your delusions about women don't mean shit when another country starts shit and your military crumbles because women are getting in the way.
What's more likely? The US gets in a defensive war with another global superpower, or women drag the US into an offensive war with one under questionable circumstances, because they run the MIC now?
Considering they're sleepwalking everyone towards nuclear war with Russia, I'd say we need to shut down that eventuality.
That's why we need to draft women.
What do you think drafting people who get as much of a say in US foreign policy as any other pleb will do? Globalists don't give a shit about anyone else and no citizen that would end up drafted gets a vote on war.