OK, as someone who used to ride a bike - and sometimes be quite aggressive (not screaming at people or smacking cars, more being quite assertive in regard to road positioning) about it - sometimes you have to be. The number of times I've been forced to stop because somebody somehow believes they can fit their van past me on a road that simply is not wide enough to do so, yeah, if I can hear somebody behind me preparing to be a dick about things, I do ride defensively.
Just being an asshole for no reason is itself a dick move, but sometimes on a bike you do need to claim your place on the road because some car and van drivers simply will not give it to you.
I'm not trying to have a battle. Where I have to do it, I'm keeping the bike middle-of-the-lane because the lane is far too narrow to permit overtaking anyway.
OK, as someone who used to ride a bike - and sometimes be quite aggressive (not screaming at people or smacking cars, more being quite assertive in regard to road positioning) about it - sometimes you have to be. The number of times I've been forced to stop because somebody somehow believes they can fit their van past me on a road that simply is not wide enough to do so, yeah, if I can hear somebody behind me preparing to be a dick about things, I do ride defensively.
Just being an asshole for no reason is itself a dick move, but sometimes on a bike you do need to claim your place on the road because some car and van drivers simply will not give it to you.
The Law of Raw Tonnage states you will always lose that battle.
I'm not trying to have a battle. Where I have to do it, I'm keeping the bike middle-of-the-lane because the lane is far too narrow to permit overtaking anyway.
Too bad, you're in one.