They were doing gain of function research on the exact ancestor of this virus
In the exact city that it emerged
Peter Daszak and Fauci had applied for funding to add furin cleavage sites to viruses
And the virus that appeared was the ancestor plus a furin cleavage site
The nature magazine article saying it came from the wild was written by Kristian Andersen. Who wrote in secret emails to fauci that it looked man made. Then the emails show Fauci arranged for a meeting with him and millions in grant money…. Boom! His view changed!
There was also that story about how the Moderna MRNA therapy shares a specific genetic sequence with COVID19.
Many of us tend think there is some grand conspiracy to control the population, or China attacking the West, but now I'm wondering if this doesn't all lead to money. Perhaps Fauci (and others working with him) secretly sold the engineered virus to the pharmaceuticals, and they conspired for an accidental release in a foreign lab so that the companies could sell the "vaccines". The reason they have been so adamant about pushing the natural origin theory was to distract from their crimes.
Also - Despite millions of tests (and chinese scientists would LOVE to prove it came from nature) they have not found ANY wild animal reservoir of any closer ancestor than the one in the lab.
The lead scientist (with a massive conflict of interest to say that science did not cause this virus) believes it is most likely :
They were doing gain of function research on the exact ancestor of this virus
In the exact city that it emerged
Peter Daszak and Fauci had applied for funding to add furin cleavage sites to viruses
And the virus that appeared was the ancestor plus a furin cleavage site
The nature magazine article saying it came from the wild was written by Kristian Andersen. Who wrote in secret emails to fauci that it looked man made. Then the emails show Fauci arranged for a meeting with him and millions in grant money…. Boom! His view changed!
There was also that story about how the Moderna MRNA therapy shares a specific genetic sequence with COVID19.
Many of us tend think there is some grand conspiracy to control the population, or China attacking the West, but now I'm wondering if this doesn't all lead to money. Perhaps Fauci (and others working with him) secretly sold the engineered virus to the pharmaceuticals, and they conspired for an accidental release in a foreign lab so that the companies could sell the "vaccines". The reason they have been so adamant about pushing the natural origin theory was to distract from their crimes.
Also - Despite millions of tests (and chinese scientists would LOVE to prove it came from nature) they have not found ANY wild animal reservoir of any closer ancestor than the one in the lab.