posted ago by dekachin ago by dekachin +50 / -2

The video was posted by Twitter user Kermlin Russia on Wednesday and so far has been viewed more than 450,000 times.

In the first scene, the man is speaking with his wife and child about moving to America. The family eventually begins speaking to another passenger who asks if they are flying to America. When asked if she is from there the passenger replies: "Yes. You are doing the right thing. America is the freest country in the world a land of opportunity". The wife asks whether she is with her husband to which the passenger replies "yes they will be here shortly" before the woman introduces her husband as Emily. The man and wife then exchange odd looks with one another.

In the second scene, a stewardess approaches the same man sitting with his family as he is about to eat a piece of meat as part of the in-flight meal. He is then told that the passengers behind them are vegetarians and don't like others eating meat in front of them. The man argues that he is not forcing them to eat it but the stewardess answers "In America, we uphold the principles of democracy. Allow me to take your plate."

In the final scene, the man is now up and standing in line for the bathroom on the plane. A Black man attempts to walk by him and is told that there is a queue. When the stewardess intervenes the man said, according to the translation:" This dude is trying to jump the line." The stewardess answered: "So what, you don't want to let him through?" Another man joined in on the conversation and said: "Of course, of course, you have to let him through. We will wait." Another person chimed in: "His people have been oppressed by the white men for centuries. We owe a debt to all African Americans."