27 What's going on with Indians? (nitter.net) posted 2 years ago by Galean 2 years ago by Galean +28 / -1 ? Viewtiful Vash ? (@ViewtifulVash1) HOLY FUCKING SHIT THE QRTS ??? 29 comments share 29 comments share save hide report block hide replies
This. No matter what business you work in, if they put an Indian in charge of hiring, they'll hire nothing but Indians, and soon you'll be the only white guy left at the company. Nobody ever calls them on it.
If I were in charge of hiring, I'd hire equal numbers of Indians and Pakistanis.
That's one way to thin their filthy herd. Make sure you lock the doors until there's no movement left at all.
Yup. And they won’t fire incompetent Indians. It never goes well.