What pains me is that I know some of the OG speedrunners. There's this really cool guy I used to watch named Sinister1 - he was there during the old games of Twitch and he's autistically god tier at Mike Tyson's Punch Out. And regardless of the stereotypes now, he was decent looking, well adjusted, went to the gym, had a full time job, and was a cool guy.
Another guy I used to follow was a fighting game community guy - SRKFunkdoc - super nerdy, but that's about it. Retired to get his masters and now he's a scientist.
These guys probably had a touch of TISM, but they used their tism for entertainment.
Now look at the mess we have... all fucking mentally ill men suffering autogynephelia... blech.
What pains me is that I know some of the OG speedrunners. There's this really cool guy I used to watch named Sinister1 - he was there during the old games of Twitch and he's autistically god tier at Mike Tyson's Punch Out. And regardless of the stereotypes now, he was decent looking, well adjusted, went to the gym, had a full time job, and was a cool guy.
Another guy I used to follow was a fighting game community guy - SRKFunkdoc - super nerdy, but that's about it. Retired to get his masters and now he's a scientist.
These guys probably had a touch of TISM, but they used their tism for entertainment.
Now look at the mess we have... all fucking mentally ill men suffering autogynephelia... blech.