It really has very little to do with men "being owed sex" by women. Most men don't really believe they're owed sex by women, or anyone for that matter. The big issue is that society has placed such an emphasis on premarital sex and random hookups and casual sex that young men are beginning to feel like if they aren't having sex they are missing out on an integral part of life, which is not the case.
Sure, there are definitely men out there who truly believe that women are simply there to please them and be their slaves, but that is not the case for the vast majority of men, even so-called incels. They have simply been led to believe that sex is an amazing, huge part of life, that it is integral to a normal life and, while it is important to a healthy relationship, it's not necessary to live a normal life.
It also comes back, in a way, to the destruction of traditional masculinity. If they can convince millions of men that sex is the only thing that matters, that it is the most important part of a relationship and of life, then that's all they're going to care about. They're not going to focus on other things such as learning new skills or trade or bettering themselves in some other way.
Of course, the funny part of all this is that by convincing men that sex is the only thing that matters, they are completely reducing women to only being important in a sexual way. Although, I suppose that's part of the plan too. After all, we can't have women being motherly figures or caring individuals in a household or in life in general. We have to have them choose careers that debase them and destroy their mental well-being. It really is all connected I guess. The destruction of the family unit, the destruction of traditional masculinity, the destruction of traditional femininity, the sexualization of children... It really does circle back to the destruction of traditional values in a way that lets them swoop in and replace traditional morality with some sort of perverted new age "progressive" morality.
Anyway, that's my $0.02
Do you think that ties in to the whole “nice guy” thing that you hear women rage about? I remember endless articles telling men that being nice doesn’t mean a woman owes you sex and talked about how manipulative nice guys are. Although it’s confusing because the attractive guy who gets in a woman’s pants and then leaves can be manipulative too but they don’t seem to complain about that.
But good post. Makes a lot of sense
I personally think the whole "nice guy" thing is a two-fold issue. For example, women have been taught that if a guy is excessively nice to her or good to her that he's after something (sex is what they're told), to not trust him. The other side of the coin, is that guys have been told being nice to women doesn't mean they owe you something. But it's nature for a guy to be nice to a woman that he's interested in, which would, hopefully and traditionally, result in a relationship of some sort. That's the basis of courting and courtship in human beings. The problem, once again, is that we're taught that sex is what most people desire. It's really not what most people desire. What most people desire is a meaningful relationship of some sort, companionship.
Now, if you throw in guys actually listening to the advice women are given about nice guys only wanting sex from them, you end up with men who truly believe that, "Hey if I do want sex from this woman I just need to be nice to her" or "If I'm being nice to her that means I secretly desire to have sex with her." It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
It used to be that the "thing" men wanted from women for being nice to them was relationship. Like I said before, that's the end goal of courtship, which is ultimately two people being nice to each other because they're interested in each other. It's usually started by one person, the man.
In high school I remember being so confused because women would pound into my head that women liked nice guys but then I’d see the same women date a guy who was the opposite of what she claimed she wanted. But you broke it down very well.
Yep. When you've been taught that all nice guys are creeps who just want to get into your pants, suddenly the guys that are jerks to you come across as the ones who are genuine and sincere and not weirdos.
It's more that they find assholes attractive regardless of what they say. But nice guy vs asshole is pretty minor in the grand scheme of things. It's whether the guy has the genetics to be in the Chad zone that's really important. Personality only matters on the margins. Men have been sold a false bill of goods in that respect.