51 Half of single men avoid women out of fear of being labeled "creepy" for something innocuous. (thepostmillennial.com) posted 2 years ago by TheImpossible1 2 years ago by TheImpossible1 +59 / -8 Half of single men avoid approaching women for fear of seemingcreepy Men avoid women out of fear of being creepy. 44 percent of mensaid the fear of being creepy “reduces their likelihood ofinteracting with women” generally, which jumps to 53 percent ofmen who reported that they are single. 53 comments share 53 comments share save hide report block hide replies
"Creepy" is the Female equivalent of Males using "Crazy"
It's just a quick way of saying "I don't like this person" It's the 1 star review of personal dynamics.
The difference is that a man can still be attracted to and sleep with a woman who is "crazy".
He just compartmentalizes things between achieving his goals and planning his escape.