Goodbye Italy, you fell for the ruse.
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You're mad that Partiti Democratico, the neoliberal pseudo-socialists, did not win?
What precisely did you think was going to happen? Lega beating expectations and coming in 20 points ahead of its poll results?
Surely, now that the NAZIS have taken Italy, MALE SUICIDES WILL DRAMATICALLY INCREASE IN THE COMING 6 MONTHS! And when the number of men has sufficiently decreased, THEY will bring back the CONCENTRATION CAMPS for US! THEIR malevolence and hatred knows no bounds!
I mean, it's fundamentally the same pro-woman, pro-Ukraine bullshit. They just don't dress it up like she did, hiding it in interviews conducted in English.
I knew this would happen. I just hoped it wouldn't. The best that was realistically possible was for the rest of the coalition to have more seats than her when added together, which is not within the margin of error now.
Pray for it.
She is pro israel because proving she is not a fascist is more important than whatever. It doesn't seem like it's due to any actual issue stance affected by israel, only signaling "israel good" so that she can say she signals "israel good".
I'm with you 100% on her because that makes me assume she is a worm on all right wing positions. I'm tired of le based mami's, they are in the bucket with Romneys of the world as far as I'm concerned. If a female politician is not a full on purist playing anchorwoman for the right wing, then they might as well be feminist frequency radio guest stars as far as I care. There only so many fakes and grifters you can sling at an audience before they get tired of the plot
As much as I bitch, in America I know I'd be happier with Trump than Biden, even though Trump is a worm on culture pain points.
100% of 'far-right' Europeans are pro-Israel.
Not because they love Israel, but because they dislike Islam.
Trump sort of had that going in 2015. Anecdotally, my current beliefs sort of bubbled up from my dislike of islam and exploring the hierarchy of identity associated with their western immigration. It went on to migrancy in general and eventually other issues that are given the cold shoulder by the state, its media, and legions of unpaid moderators bullying people trying to chit chat. I wish euros well but if the best they can muster is "israel good bc mooslims rapey" that is pretty duped and doomed.
Like, enjoy the immigration literally never ceasing ever even a little bit, somehow, despite the local "right wing" politicians complaining openly about muslims. It is like in America with people hyperfocused on blacks, as if 70iq drug dealers on the street corner are orchestrating what is happening all across the continent.
Let's be honest, if she wasn't pro-Israel, you'd be shilling for her terrible ideas for the next few years because she's "based" on Jews.
I knew she was a plant when she talked about the "glass ceiling", a concept only feminists talk about.
Bah, I try and give you respect sometimes Imp, but occasionally I wonder if you have the equipment upstairs to project another person's mindset. I make some imaginary Imp in my head only to have my projection of you humiliated by the shallowness of reality. It should be the other way around, you should humiliate my projection of you by outshining it with your depth and understanding.
And yet you're mad as hell today which you weren't yesterday, with the leftist prime minister. I guess your 'male suicides' don't matter as much then.
We women control the world, and always will. Get used to it.
Electoral system is rather weird. Seems to be some sort of winner takes all (the right is gaining a large majority despite increasing its vote by only a few percentage points), so this was never in the cards.
AoV isn't a woman.
Because before, there was the possibility of change. There was a weak government held together with 3M tape and good thoughts.
Now she has a huge majority and anyone standing against her will be crushed for "ruining the stability of Italy" by threatening the coalition.
Now the womenz are in full control! Disasters will happen!
Care to make some predictions?