Because then it will be impossible to improve, it won't be allowed to fail, you will pay wildly out of pocket more than it's worth, and it will be exclusively used a political weapon going forward.
MySpace killed itself. AOL is gone. Yahoo! has been a b-list site for a decade. Netscape Navigator died. Opera was one of the first browsers, and has been rebuilt from the ground up more than once.
Why is that bad?
Because then it will be impossible to improve, it won't be allowed to fail, you will pay wildly out of pocket more than it's worth, and it will be exclusively used a political weapon going forward.
MySpace killed itself. AOL is gone. Yahoo! has been a b-list site for a decade. Netscape Navigator died. Opera was one of the first browsers, and has been rebuilt from the ground up more than once.
This is how things run.